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Who We Are

We are runners. We come from diverse backgrounds and home towns. Some of us are competitive, some of us like to stop and smell the flowers on a newfound route, others enjoy the camaraderie of a great group of people.

We are community. We strive to help all runners reach their running goals, whatever those may be. We promote the sport of running and bring its benefits to as many people as possible.

We are educators. We offer coached training sessions and group runs almost every day of the week. We provide running resources and information to the public to help them plug-in and grow as runners.

We are friends. We make new connections over fun runs, hard runs, long runs and races. We bond over post-run breakfasts and beverages. We are not above costumed shenanigans or beer-fuelled pre-race carbo-loading.

We love to run. Period.

We are the Kelowna Running Club.


The Kelowna “Goats” started in the early 70s as a group of Kelowna runners, including Al Barry, Max and Jan Grace, Jack Farrell and Mike Whitaker.

In 1976 they gave themselves a name – Kelowna Running Club – and had a nickname the “Goats” bestowed upon them. This first KRC organized a fitness run in 1976, which enticed 1000 entrants! In the early 80s this largely informal group became formalised as the official Kelowna Running Club. Learn more about how our club came to be!

  1. The name of the Society is Kelowna Running Club.
  2. The purposes of the Society are:
    • To promote competitive and recreational running for all levels of ability and for all distances.
    • To train, coach and educate the public in techniques of running, running schedules and in matters relating to the health of runners.
    • To organize educational courses for runners.
    • To organize and promote recreational runs and competitive races at all distances in the Kelowna region.
    • To form teams of all ages, classes and abilities to enter into competitive races and recreational races.
    • To produce a newsletter and other educational material concerning athletics to be distributed amongst members of the Society and others.
    • To organize social functions for runners in the Kelowna area.
    • To do everything incidental and necessary to promote and attain the foregoing purposes throughout the Kelowna region.


President: Josh Wyatt

VP: David Stirling

Treasurer: Sandra Wike

Secretary: Whitney Steber

Sponsorship Liaison: Chelsea Zeman

Members at Large: Liz Borrett, Monica Nolan, Kim Guss